
Why are some people hopelessly addicted to cigarettes, while others can seemingly quit at will?  It may be, suggests recent research, that in those unlucky individuals who appear to be “born to smoke,” nicotine triggers a pattern of brain activity that makes kicking the habit practically impossible.  This strong neurobiological reaction to nicotine appears to be associated with hostile personalities marked by anger, aggression and anxiety.

If that’s not scary enough, scientists pursuing another line of research believe they have found a physiological reason why nicotine and alcohol so often share each other’s company.  Even a small quantity of alcohol seems to significantly boost the pleasurable effects of nicotine.  The numbers certainly won’t comfort smoking barflies: 80% to 90% of alcoholics smoke, and alcoholism is 10 times as prevalent among smokers as among nonsmokers.

TIME Magazine: The Year in Medicine From A to Z, 6 December 2004


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