We arrived this morning at the Minnesota Department of Education to find that over the weekend that rogue lumberjacks had invaded the building and had clearcut the four trees in the atrium. One of the things that made working here even remotely tolerable was the distraction of the atrium (Notice the lovely blue and purple decorating theme)… Now it’s just another big empty room with tables and chairs.
No notice, no warning, no explanation… however, the skinny is that apparently several of the trees had fallen over at one time or another; so the lives of all the trees had been deemed forfit. Seems sort of severe since they were braced to within an inch of their lives.

There had been someone wandering around the atrium taking pictures last Friday, but the conjecture was that it was just the building management company working on a new brochure to lease the space to a new tenant, and since communication to employees is not a highly regarded skill here (No wonder it’s a union shop), we’ll just have to wait and see what transpires. Hope we get something with a little height to break up the room.
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