Single Deck = 4 people
Double Deck = 6 or more
Deal each player 8 cards
Turn one card up
Next player plays same suit or same face value. If you can't follow suit, draw a card.
Jack is wild. Can play anytime. Can name own suit.
Ace = Reverses the play until another Ace is played
7 = Next player loses his turn
2 = Next player draws two cards no discard
Joker = Next player must take five cards from pack. Continue playing suit that precedes joker
Must declare 'last card' or else draw two cards.
ScoringGame goes to 500 Points
2-9 = 5 points
10-K = 10 points
Ace = 15 points
Jack = 25 points
Joker = 50 points
Note we didn't handle the joker right. You do get to play after drawing your five cards.
Doreen Jordan 16 October 2000