Category: Tweets
Tweet: If the November election came dow…
If the November election came down to Trump and an axe murderer I’d have to vote for the axe murderer as the lesser of two evils
Tweet: Your vote matters to protect my p…
Your vote matters to protect my privacy and I expect you to stand up to Mitch McConnell — vote for Patriot Act ame…
Tweet: I’m a Route Hero! I finished my …
I’m a Route Hero! I finished my last route, London PRL Full last Saturday. See this article about another route…
Tweet: I guess you cannot fix stupid eit…
I guess you cannot fix stupid either.
Tweet: From the StarTribune today… Poo…
From the StarTribune today… Poor Mary.
Tweet: My wife thinks that Donald Trump …
My wife thinks that Donald Trump should make a sympathy trip to Wuhan.
Tweet: Thank you @united for the on the …
Thank you @united for the on the spot replacement of my bag destroyed on the way to PVR