Category: Tweets
Tweet: Nightmare at 3AM: Weather forecas…
Nightmare at 3AM: Weather forecast for 2016-12-26 is 84F in the Twin Cities
Tweet: At the rate that Trump is backped…
At the rate that Trump is backpedalling, it’s possible that his admin will only be as bad as Dubya. At least Rumsfeld & Cheney won’t attend.
Tweet: Hard to take the commitment to fo…
Hard to take the commitment to food safety seriously at @chipotletweets when the soap dispensers don’t work at the Highland Park MN store
Tweet: I signed the @neveragaintech pled…
I signed the @neveragaintech pledge. Join us:
Tweet: In this day and age, why doesn’…
In this day and age, why doesn’t @apple iTunes support a tagging infrastructure?
Tweet: Finally some rational discussion:…
Finally some rational discussion: “Idaho Stop” DePaul Study Endorses Rational Cycling
Tweet: Can ‘Star Wars’ Move Past the Dea…
Can ‘Star Wars’ Move Past the Death Star After ‘Rogue One’? PLEASE