Category: Tweets
Tweet: If corporations are people (ala C…
If corporations are people (ala Citizens United) then why don’t they pay taxes at the individual rate like the rest of us?
Tweet: Good for her: Soprano won’t sing …
Good for her: Soprano won’t sing for Trump, quits Mormon Tabernacle Choir via @nbcnews
Tweet: The @StarTribune quotes Judith Mc…
The @StarTribune quotes Judith McKenna, COO Walmart USA in pull quote in story titled: “Amazon primed to deliver until midnight C’Eve…†WTF?
Tweet: MOA theaters to close. Soon to be…
MOA theaters to close. Soon to be replaced by a blood sports arena with gladiators on skateboards fighting lions ala Roman Empire. Yea!
Tweet: TAL episode 600 from @ThisAmerLif…
TAL episode 600 from @ThisAmerLife confirms that the Xenophobes have take over the GOP from the Fundamentalists
Tweet: Your cat. Is a very, very bad cat…
Your cat. Is a very, very bad cat; to the tune of “Our House†by Crosby, Stills & Nash