Category: Tweets
Tweet: Liar, liar, pants on fire: https:…
Liar, liar, pants on fire: via @nbcnews
Tweet: Donald Trump is going to make the…
Donald Trump is going to make the worst president ever, GW Bush, look like he had a clue.
Tweet: ‘Greatest threat to democracy’:…
‘Greatest threat to democracy’: Commander of bin Laden raid slams Trump’s anti-media sentiment YEA, forth estate!
Tweet: Francis says: “Better to be a ath…
Francis says: “Better to be a atheist than a bad Christian” See what happens when you name a New World Pope, #good
Tweet: Why Did a Giant Kanye West Oscar …
Why Did a Giant Kanye West Oscar Statue Appear in L.A.? via @RollingStone Not akimbo, but outstretched arms!
Tweet: Fruit and veg: For a longer life …
Fruit and veg: For a longer life eat 10-a-day – BBC News