Category: Tweets
Tweet: Trump argues he won New Hampshire…
Trump argues he won New Hampshire because it is a ‘drug-infested den’ LIVE FREE OR DIE!
Tweet: All the meme today 41 days after …
All the meme today 41 days after the Atlantic reported it:
Tweet: Let the chipping begin: WI compan…
Let the chipping begin: WI company will let employees use microchip implants to buy snacks and open doors via @Verge
Tweet: Michele Bachmann had her 15-minut…
Michele Bachmann had her 15-minutes. Why won’t she go away?
Tweet: The new version 4 of @littlesnitc…
The new version 4 of @littlesnitch is a great upgrade. The traffic tips really help you decide if you want to stop some activities.
Tweet: These cement truck turds are ever…
These cement truck turds are everywhere!
Tweet: Mother nature preventing fishing …
Mother nature preventing fishing to rebuild the stock?