Category: Tweets
Tweet: How are those impeachment investi…
How are those impeachment investigations coming? Why don’t we have something actionable by now?
Tweet: Maybe we can get some traction on…
Maybe we can get some traction on gun control if the Country Music industry is getting behind it. Thanks @calebkeeter!
Tweet: How well are St. Paul police doin…
How well are St. Paul police doing? Community asked to take survey via @pioneerpress
Tweet: Good. Michigan mom says she could…
Good. Michigan mom says she could face jail time for not vaccinating her son – ABC News – via @ABC
Tweet: The Jersey barrier strikes my fan…
The Jersey barrier strikes my fancy, but maybe tire spike strips could work to teach drivers to stay in their lane:
Tweet: BREAKING: Senate to vote on wheth…
BREAKING: Senate to vote on whether to confirm @AjitPaiFCC, the guy trying to kill #NetNeutrality #FirePai
Tweet: Jane Prince: A view of the Ford P…
Jane Prince: A view of the Ford Plan from St. Paul’s East Side: Why not a citywide economic devel… via @pioneerpress