Category: Social/Environmental
Mother Nature fights back
In the 12-Oct-2009 issue of Time, they reported that the number of fatalities in the past 50 years attributed to climate-change-related disasters, according to a new report, is 800,000. As we continue to mistreat the planet, it will continue to fight back.
The day before yesterday, on my way home from work, I saw this funny looking car turn from Marshall Avenue onto southbound Fairview Avenue. I didn’t look like a model I had seen before, and I ended up right behind it just before it turned off onto one of the Mac/Groveland neighborhood streets. It turned…
How Progressive Are You?
Take the quiz at the Center for American Progress. Guess Imogene taught me well…via link from J-Walk Blog
We finally might be getting interested in growing something for biodiesel that doesn’t compete with the food stocks. Time’s article this week, The Next Big Biofuel? has raised the profile of Jatropha, which I blogged about in my post Better than switchgrass in September 2007. It’s about time we got some national press about this…
Follow the money
My cube neighbor, Bob, was listening to NPR this morning and brought me a post-it note with the following link on it for Stimulus Watch so I can see where my taxpayer dollars are going.Now this is what the web was designed for… porn is nice, but this is important. 😉