Category: Social/Environmental

  • Solar Power

    For the most part people don’t install solar just because they like the idea of clean electricity. They do it because they can make money.John Farrell, Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Sierra, September 2011, Pg 50

  • Big Chemical Grows Up

    In the past, the big concern for companies on the environment was just to avoid risk.  The difference is now they can look at nature as the source of business values.Glenn Prickett, The Nature Conservancy’s Chief External-affairs Officer, Time, 21 February, 2011

  • Nature

    We only value something when we can measure it.Taylor Ricketts, Director of Conservation Science, WWF, Time, 21 February, 2011

  • Sermon on the mountain bike

    And it came to pass that a supernumerary responded to several angry letters in the Villager.  For these words came to him as he pedaled along an avenue:Blessed be the bikers, for they are exercising and emitting no fumes.  (For it is written that their numbers shall increase and multiply, even in winter.)Blessed be the…

  • Blog Action Day — Water

    Unsafe drinking water and lack of sanitation kills more people every year than all forms of violence, including war.  Unclean drinking water can incubate some pretty scary diseases, like E. coli, salmonella, cholera and hepatitis A.  Given that bouquet of bacteria, it’s no surprise that water, or rather lack thereof, causes 42,000 deaths each week.More…

  • Sea Change

    In the weekly circular from Menards our regional home improvement center the week of 12-Sep-2010 included the following items that you can purchase off the shelf at the store, your own turbine for electrical generation and solar panels.If you can find these items in the home improvement center, at such reasonable prices, then there is…

  • Happy Earth Day

    Go do something to make a difference.Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.Think about acting less like a virus.