Category: Recovery

  • Words or Deeds

    During the waning years of the depression in a small Idaho community, I used to stop by Mr. Miller’s roadside stand for farm fresh produce as the season made it available.  Food and money were still extremely scarce and bartering was used extensively.One day Mr. Miller was bagging some early potatoes for me.  I noticed…

  • PMS

    At OMD tonight where we read the first half of "A Vision for You."  Karen shared, "There is no PMS Chapter in this book.  If it was written by a women; there would be."

  • Alcoholism: Illness or Disease

    Dr. Joy is correct that Drs. Rush and Trotter regarded alcoholism as a disease almost 200 years ago.  Jellinek, however, is considered by many to be the most influential proponent of alcoholism as a disease in the 1950s.  He presented a disease model for alcoholism, described four classes of drinkers and invented what is known…

  • Worry

    Worry means we aren't letting God do God's work.If we'll let it, the Third Step of our program will change our lives in a most profound way. This Step asks us to turn our will over to the care of God. In other words, we need to do three things: (1) Give up control. (2)…

  • Love

    The abundant life appeals to us.  Seldom do we want less money, fewer toys, clothes, or friends.  In general, we want more of everything and still more—particularly of love.  The truth is that the things we hoard or hide or fear losing must be shared or soon may be lost.Giving love to a lover, a…

  • Thinking

    Thinking thoughts doesn’t make us bad and thinking thoughts doesn’t make them happen.Alien SmithSometimes we get scared by the things we think.  We start to worry that our thoughts may become reality.  We might believe our thoughts are so strange that no one else could possibly think the same things.  As teenagers, we might worry…

  • Disease

    Reflection for the DayMy addiction is three-fold in that it affects me physically, mentally and spiritually. As a chemically-dependent person, I was totally out of touch not only with myself, but with reality. Day after miserable day, like a caged animal on a treadmill, I repeated my self-destructive pattern of living. Have I begun to…