Category: Recovery

  • Letting go

    Jill and I went across the street last night to drop off the folding stroller that had been left at our house for our neighbors across the street.  While we were talking to the neighbor lady, the little neighbor girl started playing with it, lost her balance and fell down on top of the stroller. …

  • Who Are Those People?

    A man died and went to heaven.St. Peter asked, “What denomination are you?” And the man said, ” I don’t belong here, I don’t go to church”St. Peter said, “Well, we don’t make mistakes, you belong here, lets just walk around and you can see where you’d like to stay.”So they walked down the hall,…

  • A power greater than me

    You can find purchase this image by Tom Nikosey used on USPS post card stamps at the Postal Art Gallery

  • Fear

    God exists — and the Eternal, All-Powerful, All-Present God is the loving Father of mankind.If you would meditate upon this fact, until you had some degree of understanding of what it really means, most of your difficulties and physical ailments would disappear, for they are rooted and grounded in fear.  The underlying cause of all…

  • Oxymoron

    I got the following in the “Just for Today” mailing a few days ago: We have come to believe that A.A.’s recovery Steps and Traditions represent the approximate truths which we need for our particular purpose.  The more we practice them, the more we like them….While we need not alter our truths, we can surely…

  • Strength

    For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.Rudyard Kipling

  • Lonely

    Better be alone than in bad company.Thomas FullerExcept when you’re alone, you’re always with yourself; and that could be a dangerous situation.  Sort of like being in a bad neighborhood.  Don’t go in alone.