Category: Recovery
Fresh starts
You can’t go back and have a brand new start, but anybody can start now and have a brand new end.When God measures us, He puts the tape around the heart instead of the head.Be careful about the bridges you burn, because one might turn out to be the one you later want to cross.My…
Recovery Thoughts
In AA the only mistake you can make is not coming back.Gratitude is the streetcar to a better attitude.The catch-22 of recovery:You’ve got to change your thinkingto change your drinking.But to change your thinking,you’ve got to change your drinking.AA: Absolute Abstinence.As a sponsor, remember you can carry the word, but not the person.When alcoholics are…
Lighten up
Often I need to cut myself and others some slack. When I remind myself to lighten up, the intensity of the situation diminishes.Lisa Keyes
Addiction is answering the spiritual calling inside us by going to the wrong address.Chris Ringer
My Bill of Rights
I have the right to be treated with respect.I have the right to say no and not feel guilty.I have the right to experience and express my feelings.I have the right to take time for myself.I have the right to ask for what I want.I have the right to ask for information.I have the right…
Self Reliance?
I am responsible for myself; my recovery, my well-being, my happiness, all these things are, ultimately, my own responsibility.Anonymous