Category: Quotations

  • Laughter

    If people only knew the healing power of laughter and joy, many of our fine doctors would be out of business.  Joy is one of nature’s greatest medicines.  Joy is always healthy.  A pleasant state of mind tends to bring abnormal conditions back to normal.Catherine Ponder

  • Growth

    There are as many ways to live and grow, as there are people.  Our own ways are the only ways that should matter to us.Evelyn Mandel

  • Compensation

    It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without also helping himself.Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Caution

    Geese lower their heads when flying under a bridge, no matter how high its arches may be.Julius Caesar Scaliger

  • Pretension

    Never seem more learned than the people you are with.  Wear your learning like a pocket watch and keep it hidden.  Do not pull it out to count the hours, but give the time when you are asked.Lord Chesterfield

  • Yes indeed

    If you cannot find wisdom within, try the Internet.Fortune cookie advice from Backspace page in PC Magazine, 9 August 2005

  • Computer Problems

    The most overlooked advantage to owning a computer is that if they foul up, there’s no law against whacking them around a little.Joe Martin