Category: Humor

  • Today’s word is: Fluctuations

    I was at my bank today; there was a short line.  There was just one lady in front of me, an Asian lady who was trying to exchange yen for dollars.  It was obvious she was a little irritated… She asked the teller, “Why it change?  Yesterday, I get two hunat dolla fo yen.  Today…

  • iPad2 Review

    via email from Terry Sorg, Tue, 8 Mar 2011 14:22:37 -0600

  • My Favorite Animal

    Our teacher asked us what our favorite animal was, and I said, “Fried chicken.”  She said I wasn’t funny, but she couldn’t have been right, because everyone else in the class laughed.My parents told me to always be truthful and honest, and I am.  Fried chicken is my favorite animal.  I told my dad what…

  • Siamese twins

    Siamese twins walk into a bar in Canada and park themselves on a bar stool…One of them says to the bartender, “Don’t mind us; we’re joined at the hip.  I’m John, he’s Jim.  Two Molson Canadian beers, draft please.”The bartender, feeling slightly awkward, tries to make polite conversation while pouring the beers.  “Been on holiday…

  • Working with Animals

    I really liked this Ellen Degeneres commercial for American Express when it aired, and wondered who did the music; never been able to figure it out, but it’s worth watching again and again.

  • Not Rocket Scientists

    As I travel the highways, I notice signs that read “Deer Crossing.”  How do the deer know to cross at those signs?from a reader in Ovilla, TXWhy are the Three Musketeers always depicted with swords?  Why not muskets?Burbank, CAI play racquetball.  The court is a large, enclosed room with a 20-foot-high ceiling and one small…

  • Every time a bell rings…

    via Minneapolis Star-Tribune, 12 December 2010Or if you believe my friend Jamie Johnson, “Every time a bell rings, a teenager loses their virginity.”