Category: Humor
The Married Kama Sutra
When the man and the woman have eaten Indian food, and are too swollen with rice to make conversation, let alone love, it is called “the beaching of the whales.” When the women catches the man performing self-congress next to her in per, and incredulously says, “Really?” and then he turns way and keeps going,…
Happy Birthday
A Daughter is visiting her father. She asks: “Tell me dad, how are you managing with the new iPad we gave you for your birthday?”He says “Good”.The video is in German, and there are no subtitles, but none are necessary, Snotrvia email from D. Kimball Lord, Sun, 30 Dec 2012 16:24:32 -0800
Eight Candles, Nine Lives
We parents work so hard to relay the historical and spiritual import of religious holidays. No, we explain, Hanukkah is not primarily about gift giving; it’s about a long-ago freedom struggle. The eight-day winter holiday celebrates the successful resistance of the Jews against King Antiochus IV of Syria and the restoration of the Second Temple…
A Bit of Seasonal Levity
Recently I received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of the bird’s mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity. I tried and tried to change the bird’s attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else I…
Kind of like the inmate showing the warden where the spare key is hidden.Paul Olson, when trying to track down his performance review, Wed, 7 Nov 2012 15:22:55 -0600 And just after Paul said this, another great example showed up in the newspaper.via Star-Tribune, 10-Nov-2012
Ollie the farmer
A Minnesota farmer named Ollie had a car accident. He was hit by a truck owned by the Eversweet Company. Olie decided to sue.In court, the Eversweet Company’s hot-shot attorney questioned him thus: “Didn’t you say to the state trooper at the scene of the accident, ‘I’m fine?’”Ollie responded: “Vell, I’lla tell you vat happened…