Category: General

  • Most common one-word descriptions of Hillary Clinton and the Donald

    Among those who say they favor Donald Trump for president, here in descending order of frequency are the most common first-word-that-comes-to-mind-when-you think-of Hillary Clinton: liar, dishonest, crook or crooked, bitch, Bill, women, untrustworthy, stupid, old, no.Turnabout being, as they say, fair play, herewith the most common words that came to the minds of Clinton supporters…

  • Managing Complex Change

    Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Result Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Change No Yes Yes Yes Yes Confusion Yes No Yes Yes Yes Anxiety Yes Yes No Yes Yes Resistance Yes Yes Yes No Yes Frustration Yes Yes Yes Yes No False Starts Adapted from Knoster, T., Villa R., & Thousand, J. (2000).  A…

  • Saint Louis to Saint Paul

    NAATW 2015 Road Trip – Roadkill Scorecard Trash Panda – 73 (Two unpopped)UFC (Unidentifiable Flattened Critter) – 15Skunks- 7Deer – 6Possum – 3Bird – 2Owl – 1Barn Cat – 1Squirrel – 1 Sol and I drove to Saint Louis on Thursday and Friday and were amazed at the number of dead raccoons on the side…

  • Be A Satisficer

    According to psychologists, there are two types of decision makers: satisficers and maximizers.  Satisficers make a decision the first time one potential choice meets all of the minimum requirements.  Maximizers try to weigh every option to make the absolute best decision.“Ten Ways To Be Happier At Work” via Information Week, 2015-09-10

  • Minnesota State Fair

    Today is the first day of the Minnesota State Fair.  Since its inception, in 1855, the fair has been held every year with only five exceptions: in 1861 and 1862 due to the Civil War and Dakota Indian Conflict, in 1893 because of scheduling conflicts with the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, in 1945 due…

  • Workaholica

    I used to be a workaholic, but then I joined a union and got protection from 168 hour work weeks.from Minneapolis Star-Tribune, 2015-06-14

  • I have this trouble all the time

    It’s really easy to do when you work with a bunch of licensed peace officers.from F Minus via Minneapolis Star-Tribune 2015-06-14