Category: General

  • Happy GIS Day!

    GIS Day provides an international forum for users of geographic information systems (GIS) technology to demonstrate real-world applications that are making a difference in our society.  The first formal GIS Day took place in 1999.


    The new accounting system that the state hastily installed right after the shutdown in 2011, SWIFT is supposed to stand for StateWide Integrated Financial Tools.The joke at MDE when I was there was that, “SWIFT Wasn’t too SWIFT.”Today I heard a much better one from someone who preferred to remain anonymous, “Shit We’re In Fuckin’…

  • Tetris

    A high score after a really long dry streak.OnLevelHighScoreDrops Total2013/11/12 07:439084,00045084,450See my other high scores.

  • Busy

    Spent most of the weekend finishing up the move back into the master bedroom, hanging the TV from the wall in the master bedroom, and cleaning out the garage and porch so that the new garage and porch floors can be installed by Garage Floors Coating of MN.  Before and after pictures will be posted…

  • Hairy

    My friend Neil is famous.  See: The many facial hairs of Macalester College

  • Vacation?

    Contrary to popular belief, I have not perished from the face of the earth.My father has had another small stroke, so Mrs. Wingnut and I offered to join my brother and his wife in Arizona to pack up the house and get it ready to sell.  Here is a brief synopsis of events: 2013-10-11 –…

  • Medicine

    The military industrial complex has been superseded by the medical industrial complex.Tweet, 8:02 PM – 9 Oct 13 from Saint Paul, MN