Category: General

  • Good Fortune

    Your future will be harmonious.Fortune Cookie, Shuang Cheng Restaurant, 2013-12-31

  • Metrodome

    Nothing like tearing down a building right after you get the 30-year mortgage paid off.  It was a hideous place to see baseball, and I’m not a football fan, so never went to a game.  I do however have fond memories of my first visit there, Game 6, World Series, Saturday, October 24, 1987; first…

  • Best TV listing ever

    After seeing the stage production, we were curious what the “swingers” were in the program, and as Jill was looking, she came across this outstanding listing for the Wizard of Oz on TCM.  Excellent.via email from Mrs. Wingnut, Sat, 28 Dec 2013 14:46:00 -0800

  • We’re off

    to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.  We have tickets for the show at the Ordway tonight.  Hope it’s as good as the reviews have been saying it is.

  • The Check-up

    Great Weight Watchers motivation.Rhymes with Orangevia Minneapolis Star-Tribune, 2013-12-7

  • Wonderful

    Just weighed in today, and I’m at 184.6, total loss of 67.2 and a total of 10.6 to go to my goal weight of 174.  This comic has been traveling around in my WW book since it was in the paper, and I decided I needed a more permanent copy.The Argyle Sweater via Minneapolis Star-Tribune,…

  • Christmas Eve

    A nice quiet commute into the mostly dead office today.  Of course the -14F temperature probably helps some too.