Category: Cycling
That’s not cycling
“Roubaix is a different sport, in my opinion it’s not cycling. It’s a mixture between hurting yourself and suffering a great deal, but cycling is something else,” Filippo Ganna told Bici.Pro. Cycling News, 2025-01-12
Magic autonomous vehicles
Car jumps median, hits busA Minneapolis Park Police officer examined the crash scene Friday after a woman’s car jumped the median and struck a school bus at the intersection of Hennepin Avenue and Vineland Place near the Walker Art Center. The school bus was not transporting students at the time of the incident, but the…
Suggested rule additions
From: Jonathan Lord Date: 2019-09-19 9:39 PM To: I know it sounds like I have a zipper fetish, but I think these are pragmatic suggestions that will save new adherents to the way immense frustration. Rule #96 // Jerseys shall be full zip. When wearing bibs, the pockets of quarter-zip jerseys must be unloaded…
Tweet: Can’t ride through that! https:…
Can’t ride through that!