Category: Computer
Grid computing
A lot of the argument for grid computing is a cost-down argument. We’re constantly trying to tell people that’s wrong. It’s really a value-up argument; you can now do stuff with these computers that you could never have imagined doing before because they’re so effective at processing data.Mike Beckerle
The most overlooked advantage to owning a computer is that if they foul up there’s no law against wacking them around a little.Joe Martin
Wolves at the door
I’ve been noticing the kind of rhetoric we saw when the foundations at Lotus started to crumble before IBM bought them and made them a subsidiary. I’m starting to see more and more articles like the one today on ZDNet: Why Microsoft matters less every 6 months. It will be interesting to see what happens…
So that’s what marketing is…
…the insane popularity of products such as the iPod and the iPhone has weakened Apple’s reality distortion field (in other words, marketing)…Adrian Kingsley-Hughes Gear for Geeks; Wednesday, October 17, 2007