Author: Dr Wingnut
Took the following out of some IT vendor’s email that I got:ROT – redundant, outdated and trivial data – routinely clogs servers making it hard to distinguish the good data from the bad without a little help.I really like it, it goes right with bitrot, something that I see all the time.
Tweet: If I have to lose my job to #Supp…
If I have to lose my job to #SupportDayton and the reason he vetoed the budget bills, I’m all for it. Don’t like it, but will go the mat too
Tweet: An independent commission must #I…
An independent commission must #InvestigateTrump & get to the truth re: #TrumpRussia. @moveon
Tweet: AFT IMHO! Amazon Prime Video rep…
AFT IMHO! Amazon Prime Video reportedly coming to the Apple TV, answering countless via @macworld
Tweet: You could get a @wahoofitness Ele…
You could get a @wahoofitness Elemnt instead: the cycling aid you’ll want to hurl off a mountain
Tweet: Generally not a George Will fan, …
Generally not a George Will fan, but this hits it on the head: Trump Does Not Know What It Is to Know
Tweet: No wonder they get mono? “…ride…
No wonder they get mono? “…rider …doesn’t have a bottle and he’s thirsty, you give him one — 100% of the time.”