Author: Dr Wingnut
Good employees follow processes. Great employees tweak processes. Exceptional employees find ways to reinvent processes, not just because they are expected to … but because they just can’t help themselves.Unknown, but I first ran across it on Linkedin
Happy New Year
Boy… if there ever was a year that we wanted to forget, then it would be the terrible, horrible, miserable, very-bad year that was 2020. And we didn’t even get flying cars — which was disappointing. I did manage to set a personal best year for road cycling (including Zwifting) that was over 12,000 miles.…
Words of the year – 2020
Not “word” of the year this year, but “words.” This list was posted in the 2020-12-25/28 issue of Time. My favorite was Blursday which pretty much sums up 2020 for me and I first heard it on CBS Sunday Morning on the 2020-12-27 episode, just before I picked up the paper copy of Time.. Antiracist, adjective:…
Could be worse
On average, we live pretty well; worse than last year, but definitely better than next year.Noticed in retweeet from tweet by user Julia Ioffe, @juliaioffe, dated 2020-09-28 and attributed as Russian saying
Best Onion of the week
Christmas Tree Farmer Scatters Sack Of Candy Canes Before Ravenous Douglas Firs GRANVILLE, OH—Calling “Sooey, sooey!” and rattling his burlap bag, local Christmas tree farmer Drew Allen scattered candy canes from a sack to a pen full of ravenous Douglas firs, sources confirmed Monday. “Come and get it now—we want you all to grow into…