Author: Dr Wingnut
We as Americans should have understood the desire of the Vietnamese people to have their own country. I mean we did the same thing to the Brits.Robert Theault, Special Forces on Vietnam Episode 2 by Ken Burns
Dien Bien Phu, 1954-05-07
On the defeat of the French at Dien Bien Phu, 1954-05-07: We should have seen it at the end of colonial era in Southeast Asia, which it really was. But, instead we saw it in Cold War terms, and we saw it as a defeat for the free world which was related to the rise…
Tweet: Wow! The Gun Lobby Is Down to Its…
Wow! The Gun Lobby Is Down to Its Last, Unconvincing Excuse via @RollingStone
Tweet: How are those impeachment investi…
How are those impeachment investigations coming? Why don’t we have something actionable by now?
Tweet: Maybe we can get some traction on…
Maybe we can get some traction on gun control if the Country Music industry is getting behind it. Thanks @calebkeeter!
Tweet: How well are St. Paul police doin…
How well are St. Paul police doing? Community asked to take survey via @pioneerpress