Year: 2014
I used to like purchasing MP3 from @amazonmusic, b…
I used to like purchasing MP3 from @amazonmusic, but they’ve screwed up the dl interface so badly now that I’m almost going to use Apple.
One of my scorekeepers at #fll tournament, Adam, i…
One of my scorekeepers at #fll tournament, Adam, is 11, way to get involved!
I just donated to @peopleforbikes. You can too: ht…
I just donated to @peopleforbikes. You can too:
Welcome to the Darwin Award Winning Gender, “Most…
Welcome to the Darwin Award Winning Gender, “Most Death By Stupidity Cases Involve Men, Study Showsâ€:…
If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.Steve Jobs
Yea Sparklines! “@GoogleforWork:…
Yea Sparklines! “@GoogleforWork: #googleforwork†Tufte would be proud!
I’m joining the push to get @elizabethforma into t…
I’m joining the push to get @elizabethforma into the race for president! via @RunWarrenRun #RunWarrenRun