Month: September 2014
Many forms of Government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.Winston Churchill, 1947
Scottish Independence
Power is not a right; it is a responsibility. The choice that Scotland is making on Thursday is of whether the men and women who rule Britain messed things up so badly that they would rather go it alone. And so the results will ripple through world capitals from Athens to Washington: The way things…
“@slashdot: A Edits iP6’s Protruding Camera Out of…
“@slashdot: A Edits iP6’s Protruding Camera Out of Photos†I think Steve would call the protrusion a #fail
Nothing like bad customer service. Trying to move…
Nothing like bad customer service. Trying to move the registration of a site away from Network Solutions. Ugh.
Terms Millennials Don’t Know
Tech terms that Millennials don’t know:PC CloneBaudDial this, dial that (TV dial, dialup modem, dialing a phone)Punch cardsMonochrome monitorDot-matrix printerSerial and parallel portsTeletype, teleprinter, or telexFloppies (Floppy disks and drives)WangRead the full article at Information Week, 2014-09-12
Finished Cycle with #cyclemeter, on a new route, t…
Finished Cycle with #cyclemeter, on a new route, time 2:06:53, 28.68 miles, see…, average 13.56.
Started Cycle with #cyclemeter at 13:22, on a new…
Started Cycle with #cyclemeter at 13:22, on a new route, see…, Cyclemeter will speak your replies to me.