Month: February 2014
Maybe we won’t get all that snow they’re predictin…
Maybe we won’t get all that snow they’re predicting. That would be nice #dr
Yesterday, my boss inadvertently created a new wor…
Yesterday, my boss inadvertently created a new word, “Clustomersâ€. Talk about your Freudian slip…
Yesterday, my boss inadvertently created a new word, “Clustomers”. Talk about your Freudian slip…
Garmin GPS
I must pause to acknowledge my Garmin GPS machine, which is one of the best dollar-for-dollar investments in happiness I have ever made. If you simply have faith in it, you can let go of your worries. You may not understand why it is telling you to do whatever it is telling you to do,…
Happy VD!
How fitting that the abbreviation for Valentines Day is the same for Venereal Disease, something you might get if you’re looking for love in all the wrong places.My valentine showed her love by carving hearts and JL + JL encased with a big heart onto a banana, with a note that said, “I’m bananas for…
No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.Calvin Coolidge