Year: 2010

  • Roy’s Cuddling Index

    Here is the best way to remember what the dew point means; use Roy’s Cuddling Index:Favorable 50’sSultry 60’sStifling 70’sUnbearable 80’sMeteorologist Roy Finden on Almanac, 9 July, 2010

  • Minneapolis

    I went out with some guys (Darrell, Dave N. and Josh R.) for wings at Runyons, to see the movie The Other Guys, then we decided to go for ice cream.While standing in line we spotted this guy holding a chisel and maul getting a cone with his girl.  What kind of date was that…

  • Running Times

    My cousin John’s step daughter, Shalane Flanagan (Bronze Medal, Beijing 2008, 1000m), is on the cover of the September 2010 Running TImes.  Now if I can just find a copy of it on the newsstand.via email from Alan Lord, Fri, 13 Aug 2010 09:01:45 -0700

  • The future is now

    Each new machine or technique, in a sense, changes all existing machines and techniques, by permitting us to put them together into new combinations.  The number of possible combinations rises exponentially as the number of new machines or techniques rises arithmetically.  Indeed, each new combination may, itself, be regarded as a new super-machine.Alvin Toffler

  • What I’m hearing

    In a news story yesterday they were talking about how the rate of giving is much less for the flood victims of Pakistan than it was for the earthquake victims in Haiti.  They asked if it was donor fatigue.But, they didn’t ask the one question that I heard at the lunch table today, “Why should…

  • No more trees

    I drove up Hamline Avenue north of Highland Parkway yesterday, and the Saint Paul Forest Service has begun the clear cutting of the ash trees to attempt to stop the spread of the emerald ash borer.  The poor street looks so naked — like a new suburb.

  • Vision

    Our way of life has been influenced by the way technology has developed.  In future, it seems to me, we ought to try to reverse this and so develop our technology that it meets the needs of the sort of life we wish to lead.Prince Philip, Men, Machines and Sacred Cows, 1984