Year: 2009
What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do. John Ruskin (1819 – 1900)
How’s your market cap?
God forbid David Letterman should have another heart attack. But if he does, maybe Sun Microsystems CEO Scott McNealy could stand in for him.Speaking earlier this week to a group of investors at the Merrill Lynch computer technology conference in New York, McNealy killed with his Lettermanesque “Top 10 Signs a Company’s Market Cap Is…
You have to do something to justify your tenure on the top side of the dirt.James Lileks
Is it over yet?
this dose of paranoia courtesy ZDNet Tech Update Today, Thu, 18 Dec 2008 08:22:40 -0800
Bush Presidential Library
I jokingly asked my High School friend Louis the librarian, “So how large a library will they be building to hold Bush’s coloring book collection?” And his response was:I envision it as an amusement park. You know, the Guantanamo torture chamber, the Shattered Economy Coaster (it just goes down into the abyss), Dick Cheney Gun…
What is obvious to me is that we did not create ourselves… life is something inside of you. You did not create it. Once you understand that, you are in a spiritual realm.Virginia Satir