Month: March 2009

  • How Progressive Are You?

    Take the quiz at the Center for American Progress.  Guess Imogene taught me well…via link from J-Walk Blog

  • Justice

    Mere access to the courthouse doors does not by itself assure a proper functioning of the adversary process.Thurgood Marshall

  • Grab a Coke and a Smile

    Saturday morning I put some Diet Coke into the fridge for my wife.  I’ve been participating in the Coke Rewards loyalty program for some time, but the code in this box was quite a surprise… I thought, that code, “porn5hwv7hfk,” can’t possibly be correct, but it took it as you can see from the screenshot…

  • Hmmmm…

    In manufacturing, we try to stamp out variance.  With people, variance is everything.Jack WelchAm I the only one who’s worked in an environment where they’ve tried to stamp out the variance in people also?

  • Health

    I still need more healthy rest in order to work at my best.  My health is the main capital I have and I want to administer it intelligently.Ernest Hemingway

  • Cards

    Life’s not a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes playing a poor hand well.Jack London

  • National Pi Day

    One fun way to memorize the first few digits is to use sentence mnemonics for pi — phrases in which the number of letters of each successive word corresponds to a digit of pi.  Here are some well-known pi mnemonics:“Wow! I made a great discovery!” (3.14159…)“Can I have a small container of coffee?” (3.1415926…)“How I…