Month: December 2006

  • Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

    Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,The flying cloud, the frosty light; The year is dying in the night;Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.Alfred, Lord Tennyson

  • Chronic malcontent

    An object in possession seldom retains the same charm that it had in pursuit.Pliny the Younger

  • Good bye 2006

    Twas the night before Christmas, we were all in the club,Enjoying a meeting, instead of the pub.The ashtrays were clean, and the coffee was made,The Big Books were out and we all had prayed.When out in the lot, there arose such a clatter,We all jumped up to see what was the matter.The Chair with his…

  • Old Age

    Old age is just a record of one’s whole life.Unknown

  • New element

    A major research institution has just announced the discovery of the densest element yet known to science.  The new element has been named “Bushcronium.”Bushcronium has one neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons and 224 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 311.  These particles are held together by dark forces called morons,…

  • Potential

    If they can make penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.Unknown

  • Fun Stuff

    Very cool – make your own dot-to-dot puzzleBest wedding dance everAn unusual Japanese drum machineFinally, a way to tell palladium from rhodiumNYU’s ITP student showImplicit Association TestScared of SantaVia many sources especially, the Good Experience newsletter