Month: November 2006
There is an end to grief if we have the courage to accept our personal goodness and our ongoing right to happiness.Justin Langley
Passwords: Easier to guess than you think
An interesting analysis of how most people use really bad choices when they pick a password: If there is a silver lining in the phishing attack that let 34,000 MySpace passwords loose, it’s that Roger Grimes got to analyze them. “Being able to collect and analyze such a large number of passwords from a wide…
As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.Albert Einstein
That Wacky Web
Brilliant start-and-stop funk dancing Catchy dance video, “Tunak tunak tun” and Napoleon… or the inevitable Numa Numa/Napoleon mashupSing along while the leek spinsCool down by creating your *own* chill-out tuneFunny rant on naming suburban developmentsJust a minute of therapy for the middle of your dayYellow ribbons on your SUVHistory of the button: Tracing the history…
I always have two lists: things I’m happy about and things I’m not. It’s my choice which list I focus on.Anne Arthur