Year: 2005
This time, like all times, is a very good one if we but know what to do with it.Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Forbes Fictional 15
Top fifteen richest fictional people according to ForbesSanta ClausOliver “Daddy” WarbucksRichie RichLex LuthorC. Montgomery BurnsScrooge McDuckJed ClampettBruce WayneThurston Howell IIIWilly WonkaArthur BachEbenezer ScroogeLara CroftCruella De VilLucius Malfoy Forbes
Wind Power
Resistance to wind turbines is inversely proportional to the distance between the individual turbine and the nearest McMansion.Carol Overland, a Northfield MN Attorney who works on wind issues; from Time, 17 October 2005
Fun Stuff
Great shot of the NYC skylineMIT lecturer extraordinaire Walter Lewin on “the mystery of light“MP3s of classic New Orleans musicInteresting performance with sand.One baby out there has a new Halloween costume – crocheted Yoda earsJello San FranciscoA bunch of customer-created short films, as Converse adsFrom a dorm in China, an outstanding short filmNapoleon Dynamite sound…
Kill SMS! Die! Die!
So, you’re at the airport and you notice your Treo has gone missing, along with thousands of contacts and emails and plans for the latest acquisition. After you stop hyperventilating, wouldn’t it be nice to just borrow a fellow traveler’s phone, text your number with one password and know that all your sensitive data was…