Month: August 2005
Geese lower their heads when flying under a bridge, no matter how high its arches may be.Julius Caesar Scaliger
Never seem more learned than the people you are with. Wear your learning like a pocket watch and keep it hidden. Do not pull it out to count the hours, but give the time when you are asked.Lord Chesterfield
Happy/Unhappy Anniversary
Dr. and Mrs. Wingnut are happy to announce that they have been married for 17 years today. Their wedding day was on a Saturday, 6 August 1988 because Mrs. Wingnut said no one would come to the wedding if they were married the day Dr. Wingnut wanted, 8/8/88. So now he remembers it as that…
Yes indeed
If you cannot find wisdom within, try the Internet.Fortune cookie advice from Backspace page in PC Magazine, 9 August 2005
Computer Problems
The most overlooked advantage to owning a computer is that if they foul up, there’s no law against whacking them around a little.Joe Martin
Last day of your life
I believe you should live each day as if it is your last, which is why I don’t have any clean laundry, because, come on, who wants to wash clothes on the last day of their life?Anonymous 15-year-old