Month: March 2005

  • War movies

    For some reason, we have been watching very many World War II movies at my house lately; From Here to Eternity, Pearl Harbor, Saving Private Ryan, and U-571 in the last two weeks alone.  And it occured to me that I don’t recall ever seeing a moving from the German point-of-view related to the greatest…

  • Knowledge

    It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going forward.  Ignorance is never better than knowledge.Enrico Fermi (1901 – 1954)

  • Physicians vs guns

    Physicians:The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.(Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services)Guns: The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000.The number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups) is 1,500.The number of…

  • Happiness

    Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)

  • Lawyers

    These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts, and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters who had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place.Q: Are you sexually active?A: No, I just lie there.Q: What is…

  • Creativity

    Creativity often consists of merely turning up what is already there.  Did you know that right and left shoes were thought up only a little more than a century ago?Bernice Fitz-Gibbon

  • No pun intended

    Two vultures board an airplane; each is carrying two dead raccoons.  The stewardess looks at them and says, “I’m sorry, gentlemen, only one carrion allowed per passenger.”I put ten different puns here hoping at least one would make you laugh.  If not, I’m sorry but no pun in ten did.via email from John Treworgy, Thu,…