Month: September 2004

  • Old age

    An old farmer in Kansas had owned a large farm with a nice pond in the back 40.  It was fixed up nice: picnic tables, horseshoe courts, and some apple and peach trees.One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond and look it over, as he hadn’t been there for a…

  • Discovery

    Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.Albert von Szent-Gyorgy

  • Motto of Lake Wobegon

    We are what we are.Garrison Keillor

  • Fools

    Foolproof systems don’t take into account the ingenuity of fools.Gene Brown

  • Yea Baby!

    via email from Jay Lord, Thu, 16 Sep 2004 12:37:10 +0000

  • Do nothing for everyone

    Finally, software that admits to doing nothing for everybody! (Thanks to Gel speaker David Greenberger.) LinkOne-page cartoons for 5- to 15-year-olds, showing them how to build all kinds of stuff: LinkOptical illusion: undulating almonds. LinkFun music video (in Flash), featuring They Might Be Giants: LinkGoogle way back in 1960. (Thanks, Kevin Fox!) LinkQuickTime VR (panoramic)…

  • Republican Convention Schedule. (Final)

    On May 22 I posted the preliminary schedule for the 2004 Republican National Committee Convention Schedule New York, NY.  Apparently some changes were made and I just got the final agenda:6:00pm – Opening prayer6:15pm – Supplementary opening prayer6:30pm – Prayer in thanks of first two prayers6:45pm – New energy policy presented by Exxon7:00pm – Canonization…