Month: June 2004
Fix the phone
An elderly lady phoned her telephone service to report that her telephone failed to ring when her friends called — and that on the few occasions when it did ring, her pet dog always moaned right before the phone rang. The telephone repairman proceeded to the scene, curious to see this psychic dog or senile…
2004 Republican Platform’s 21 Planks
Just released: THE REPUBLICAN PLATFORM FOR 2004 Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of homosexuals and Hillary Clinton.The United States should get out of the United Nations, and our highest national priority is to enforce U.N. resolutions against Iraq.“Standing Tall for America” means firing your workers and moving their jobs to India.A woman can’t…
Latest in lawn mowing head gear
Not quite sure what the hook is for now that the hat is not hanging on the store rack.via email from Martha Clark, Wed, 2 Jun 2004 20:58:04 -0400
Relationship test
A man is dating three women and wants to pick one to marry. He decides to give them a test. He gives each woman a present of $5,000 and watches to see what they do with the money.The first does a total make over. She goes to a fancy beauty salon, gets her hair done,…
Invalid password
A woman was helping her husband set up his computer, and at the appropriate point in the process, told him that he would now need to enter a PASSWORD, something he will use to log on. The husband was in a rather amorous mood and figured he would try for the shock effect to bring…